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Five Perspectives in Onboarding

What to consider when setting up Yojee

You are here because you want to check off a list of things to consider in the process of using Yojee. You have tried logging in, and you know what the user interface looks like and how to use it, but you want to make sure nothing gets left out.

The five perspectives to consider when designing your workflow:

  1. Setting up your service offering
  2. The guiding flow of information
  3. Designing your dispatching workflow
  4. Test drive your workflow
  5. Onboarding dispatchers, drivers, partners

Setting up your service offering

First things first, let's look at setting up some basic master data. We want to make sure everything's in order before we start guiding anyone else to the system.

A good way of looking at this setup is to look at the different logistics services that you are currently offering your customers. This guide can help you put these services into simple and meaningful categories.

Consider using an address book if you have regularly used locations. You do not need to fill in every address you want to use in the address book. However, by filling in the address book, you can improve the consistency of the address location process, especially if:
    1. Addresses used are repetitive and manually entered in large volumes
    2. You operate in a specific region where address names are partially ambiguous or entry points to the address are not as accurate as you would like them to be.
    3. Loading bays at these address locations is not where Google says it is.

Once you're done with the data above, you are now prepared for order entry. A regular user can now come along and create an order using the service type, item type, and address locations that we have set up.

The guiding flow of information

Providing visibility into your supply chain is likely one of the benefits of adopting Yojee. To ensure the right level of visibility is achieved, take a moment to consider if you have answers to each of these questions:

  1. Who are the stakeholders in my supply chain?
  2. When and how do these stakeholders need to be notified?
  3. What should be the content of the message to ensure focused execution? 
  4. Who are the stakeholders that need to be informed?

All figured out? Perfect! Now let's see how you can set that up in Yojee. Yojee provides many ways to manage information flow in your supply chain:

In Yojee, the terminology of "sender", "orders", "items" and "tasks" are used regularly. Developing the right understanding of this terminology is essential in using Yojee effectively. This article provides a concise overview of the Yojee terminology.

Choosing your dispatching workflow

Now that you are done with defining your various products and how information flows in your supply chain, we look into how you will empower your dispatcher to take meaningful decisions in your day-to-day operations.

There are many different ways in which tasks can be dispatched. Tasks can be assigned to drivers, transferred to partner companies, or even directly marked as completed by the dispatcher. 

Optimization capabilities are available to help the dispatcher analyze the tasks and suggest an efficient route for execution. 

Testing your workflow

You now have all your data built up, but not yet your confidence. It is time to take your setup for a spin!

  1. Create a few orders, review the tasks created
  2. Dispatch tasks using your workflow and assign them to drivers
  3. Execute tasks using the Yojee app, experiencing the app actions you have set up
  4. Reviewing the notifications, reports, and documents to see if everything lines up. You can easily modify the notification message to suit your business context.

Onboarding dispatchers, drivers, partners

Your solution is now complete! But the most important part of any supply chain is the people running the show.

Invite your users and get their feedback. Speak to your stakeholders and learn more about what else they might need, and share any content that you have created or have found useful.

Remember that you or your team will be able to refer to knowledge-base articles or reach our support team through the chat function!