Complete on behalf of driver or partner

For scenarios where the dispatcher has to complete an order on behalf of their drivers or partner

In some instances, a driver or partner may be unable to finalise or act on an order. However, it is essential to ensure that your reports accurately reflect the date and time when the milestone occurred. To address these situations, the Transport Orders page enables dispatchers to complete an order on behalf of a driver or partner. This feature not only captures the correct timestamp but also allows for the upload of any additional Proof of Delivery (POD) documentation.

Complete on behalf of your driver

If you wish to complete one or many orders on behalf of a driver:

  1. Navigate to Transport Orders and filter for the orders you wish to action
  2. Select the orders, then select Complete
  3. Enter the information as follows:
    1. Completed by driver - Select the driver that completed the orders, alternatively select 'Unknown' if the driver is unknown. (Note. you can select to apply only to 'Unassigned' jobs, or unselect to apply to all jobs)
    2. Completed time - Select or enter the time and date to record the completion
    3. Proof of delivery (optional) - If a POD document has been shared, upload here. This document will replace the Yojee system generated POD.
    4. Confirm - You must acknowledge that this step cannot be undone
  4. Once done, select Complete to record the milestone

Complete on behalf of a partner

To complete an order on behalf of a partner, you first must ensure the order has been transferred to your partner.

  1. Navigate to Transport Orders and filter for the orders you wish to action (note, ensure the orders have been transferred to their respective partner
  2. Select the transferred orders, then select Complete
  3. Enter the information as follows:
    1. Completed time - Select or enter the time and date to record the completion
    2. Proof of delivery (optional) - If a POD document has been shared, upload here. This document will replace the Yojee system generated POD.
    3. Confirm - You must acknowledge that this step cannot be undone
  4. Once done, select Complete to record the milestone