Adding and Viewing Documents on an Order

The document portal allows you upload and attach documents to orders/items in Yojee and share with your drivers and downstream partners.

Accessing the Document Portal

To locate the document portal, you will need to view the item detail. In Explore view you will need to click on the 3 dots next to the YOJ ID or the External ID No and then select Edit.

In List view, click on the eye to the right on the item. 

Once you are in the booking detail click on the Documents tab

❗A new tab in your browser will open. Ensure popups are not blocked for Yojee Dispatcher 

Adding a Document

Click on the Add New Document button.

A window will open. You will need to fill in all fields to save a new document. 

  1. Enter the name of your document
  2. Choose a code for your document. Scroll down to the end of the list to create a custom code
  3. Attach the document to the order or the item
  4. Privacy can be set to Public, Private or Protected
    1. Public - Anyone can view
    2. Private -  Only your organisation can view
    3. Protected -  Your organisation and partners can see the document 
  5. Drag and drop the file you would like to attach
  6. Save


Only organisations that have added a document can edit or delete. Partners who have protected access can view only.


Success! 👏 Your document has now been uploaded!


You can also download, edit and delete from the same screen. Any edit's will be shown in the document's history




Viewing Documents on the Driver App

Any order or item will be identified using the 📄 icon, click further to download ⬇️