Set a template for your transport orders
Templates in Yojee allow you to specify what information an order should contain, and what each of the fields represent. This may be specifying the field names, which fields are required, which fields are optional and their respective unit of measurement.
The fields you choose to include in a template affects the various ways to create an order in Yojee:
- Manual order creation form
- Batch upload XLSX or CSV file format
- Orders created via integration (i.e. Yojee API)
You can configure multiple template versions to correspond to customer/delivery requirements.
Accessing the Templates
To access the new templates, navigate to Manage > Orders > Templates.
Edit or Create a New Template
Edit an existing template or create a new one.
Field Selection
In each of your templates, you may decide which fields to include and omit. Use the checkboxes to select the fields you would like to use in your template.
Changing the Headers
Re-label any of the field names to change the header in the template
Mandatory Fields
You can make any fields mandatory as needed by choosing the REQUIRED option. Required fields are mandatory during the order creation process. Any attempt to create orders without these fields filled in will fail.
The following fields are always mandatory and required for creating orders in Yojee.
- Order Details > Service Type
- Task Details > Task Type
- Task > Address Line 1
- Task > Dates & Times
- Line > Packing Type
Positioning the Fields
You can change the layout of the fields in the order creation form and the order of columns in the batch upload file. Do this by simply clicking and dragging to move the fields to your desired position.
Setting the Unit of Measure (UOM)
Select the field to choose the UOM for the weight, LxWxH and volume.
Template Properties
Some customers may require to have multi-leg movements. These can be configured in the Template Properties.
For templates with more than one leg, you may also choose to specify the first or second leg as an empty leg. Doing this allows you to filter the Yojee Explore or List view to see only empty legs or vice versa.
What is Missing Info? Click here to find out more. 🔍
⚠️ Always save your template after any changes are made. ⚠️
The SAVE button is now at the top ☝️
Active Templates - Set your template as active and/or the default version in the main screen for both manual and batch upload order creation ✅
Address ID's - If you have regular addresses that you use, avoid having to type in the address each time and use the address ID field. Activate by ensuring 'Allow bulk upload by external address ID' is selected under Booking Information in the edit template screen.