Team Notifications

Task related email notifications

Team Notifications are continuously being developed, and new features may be introduced or modified at any time.

We highly value your feedback in shaping the future of Yojee. We encourage you to explore this new feature and share your thoughts with us at

Alongside sending notifications to your customers (refer to Status Notifications), you also have the capability to share important updates with your Dispatcher team.

To find Team notifications,

  1. In Manage (in the Profile menu in the top right)
  2. Navigate to Team > Team Notifications

At present, you can send the following email notifications:

  • Order cancelled - Order has been cancelled in Yojee
  • Pickup completed - Pickup task for the order has been successfully completed
  • Incoming transfer (DS) - Email notification when an order is assigned to you as the downstream (DS) partner.
  • Transfer declined (US) - Email notification indicating that a downstream partner has declined an order you transferred as the upstream carrier (US).
  • Dropoff failed - Dropoff task for the order has been reported / unable to complete
  • Dropoff completed - Dropoff task for the order has been successfully completed

To ensure emails are sent to the correct recipient, you can select either:

  • Dispatcher - Notifications will be sent to the dispatcher who created the order
  • All Dispatchers - Notifications will be sent to all dispatchers who have access to the particular order. Please note that when using Organisational Units, notifications will be restricted to dispatchers who have the appropriate permissions to view the specific order.
  • Organisational unit Address(es) (Only visible if Organisational Units are used) - Notifications will be sent to the email address added in the Email Address(es) field in the Organisational Unit setup.
  • Group Address - Emails will be sent exclusively to the addresses specified in the Group address field. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with commas (for example,,