Reports - Understanding Task Completion Times

Gain a clearer understanding of how the Order Items report provides driver task-related times to help track wait times and service duration. 

The Order items report includes task-based timestamps and their triggers for easy tracking and monitoring.
Timestamp Description Trigger
Arrival Time Time driver arrives at the  task address

Geofenced based on the completion radius set by company default, by customer or by address.

By default, this is set to 500 meters

Start Time Time driver commences the task Driver app select 'Complete Pick-up' or 'Complete Drop-off' on Item to drop off/pickup page
Completion Time Time driver completes the task Driver app select 'Confirm' on Complete drop off page
Departure Time Time driver leaves task address Driver app select 'Yes, ready to depart'


Based on these timestamps, the report calculates and captures the following information for easy tracking and monitoring:

Duration Description Calculation
On Site Duration Duration driver spent at task address Departure Time - Arrival Time
Waiting Duration Duration driver waiting at task address Start Time - Arrival Time
Service Duration Duration driver took to complete task Completion Time - Start Time

To ensure accurate 'Arrival Time' capture, the Yojee Driver App must be running in the background of the driver device. See Location Trouble Shooting for further assistance.