Release Notes September 2023

NEW! Timestamp watermark in driver photos 📸

To provide additional reassurance that driver photos are taken at the time of delivery, a new feature has been introduced - the timestamp watermark option. This feature ensures that any photo taken through the Driver App will have a visible timestamp of the date and time it was taken, giving your customers the confidence that the photo was captured at the exact time of delivery. For detailed instructions on how to enable or disable this feature, please refer to this article.


NEW! Change service type after order creation 🛠️

You now have the flexibility to change the Service Type and associated operations for an order even after it has been created. To do this, simply edit the order, change the service type, and save it. All automated operations will be applied accordingly. For more detailed instructions on how to change service types, please refer to this article.



  • Creating and Modifying Orders  💾
    We have improved the user experience when creating and modifying orders. Previously, users would be directed to the 'charges' page when manually creating or editing existing orders, which may cause confusion for those who do not use our rating services. To simplify the process, we have replaced the 'Save & continue' button on the order form with two new buttons: 'Save' and 'Save & close'.
    The 'Save' button allows users to save the order while staying on the same page, while the 'Save & close' button saves the order and takes the user back to their previous page. These buttons are now only enabled when changes have been made. Additionally, we have optimised the warning about regenerating ratings, so it will only be displayed for orders with applied rates.
  • Exceptions Reason 💬
    A new column has been included in the 'My orders' report for Senders, allowing them to easily identify the reasons behind any exceptions that occurred for each order.
  • Driver App - Location permission requests 📍
    Improved management of location permission requests and the option to disable location updates for a more streamlined workflow.
  • Replace System Documents (POD, Connote, Label) 📂
    Looking to replace a system document with a different file? Our enhanced functionality simplifies the process, allowing you to effortlessly swap out documents with just a few clicks. This not only saves you valuable time but also reduces the amount of administrative tasks you need to handle. Furthermore, we have made it more convenient for you to access all System generated files by consolidating them in one easily accessible location.

  • Bulk Edit Improvements 📋
    You can now apply the service type edit & rerun operations in bulk!