Release Note September 2021

Exciting updates this month includes: Label Management, Bulk Actions for Senders, Mobile and Analytics 2.0!


Label Management

Do you need a different size and format Label for each ItemTypes or Sender, but don’t want to start from scratch? We got you!
We have added industry standard sizes to your slug which you can easily edit with our instant preview. After you’ve created your desired format, you can set one of them as your default Label. Or, you can set one per Sender and/or Item Type.

  • If you want to set up a different Label for each Sender, you can do so. Just go into you Senders, select the desired Label and select for which Item Types this Label is applicable. The Item Types you don’t select will get their Item Type Label, if set up, otherwise the default Label will be applied.

  • If you want to apply the same Label for each Sender, but still set up different Label for each Item Type? Select Item Types and set up a Label for the Item Type. The Item Types for which you don’t specify a Label will get the default Label.

👏 Need more information on label management, please click here!

Bulk Actions for Senders

You can now upload, download and delete multiple Individual Senders, Corporate Senders or Corporate Users, at the same time.

 👏 To learn more about the actions for Senders, please click here


  1. Vietnamese language pack now available (however default will always be english upon log out / log in)

  2. Push notification available for changes made to task address, item weight/dimensions etc

    1. Notification only available when driver is outside the app.

    2. No notification available when driver is in the app - the changes are automatically applied!

Not sure how to change the language in our driver app? No problem, please click here for more information 🙌


Yojee Analytics 2.0 - What’s New?

In this version, Yojee’s improved Dashboards & Reports serve to empower users to make business-wide decisions with a higher degree of consistency (between Dispatcher and Reporting), and increased visibility into both item-level and leg-level information.

In 2.0, you can now view both your and your partners’ progress all in a single dashboard view (Operations Dashboard). This means no more toggling between multiple dashboards to get a holistic understanding of whats happening in your business as a whole. Likewise, through drill downs, reporting becomes seamless as you can now view every item (regardless if it was transferred from a partner or not, and if it was transferred to a partner or not) on a single report. This offers a hassle-free workflow for users interested in exporting reports and performing further analysis on the entire business. We have also introduced an improved design in the Partners’ and Drivers’ Dashboard that allows users to better measure partners and drivers in a single-view.

States reflected in the dashboards and reports have also been designed to be consistent with Dispatcher - allowing users to better report accurately as per their operations and planning. Further, you will find that the “Legs” filter is no more a required filter! Dispatchers can now choose to zoom in on a particular leg that concerns their scope of operations and manage that portion more efficiently. We refer to this as the Leg-State. On the other hand, if no legs filter is applied, Dispatchers are presented with the item-state; i.e. the state that represents a particular item as a whole throughout all its legs.

Lastly, managing exceptions throughout your business is now super easy! You can drill down from the Operations Dashboard to understand all items that have failed, regardless if they are failed by your fleet or by your partners fleet in a single-report. You will also get insights into which leg, what time, by who (Partner name or Driver name), and for what reason it was failed for. Alternatively, you can also drill down from the Partners or Drivers Dashboard if you are only concerned with understanding items failed by a specific party.

To learn more about our analytics please click on the following links 🔍