We're bringing DIFOT scores, better visibility and more 🌈 to Yojee
Dashboards & Reports 📊
- DIFOT score widget now available that displays percentage of Deliveries In Full and On Time (DIFOT) in operations and partners dashboard and order item report.
- Partners now have access to dashboards ensuring they also benefit from the insight available through the Yojee platform. See here for more information on the Yojee dashboards.
- 🖥️ Presentation mode has arrived! Keeps tabs on your daily operation with a full screen view of the explore window that auto refreshes at regular intervals. See here for more information. See here for more information.
Dispatcher 👤
- The maps are now 🌈colourful🌈 making them more familiar and easier to view.
- Filters will be remembered when you navigate away from the page so you won't need to change them each time.
- Limit search result to empty or non-empty only automatically, without having to select the checkbox.
- Vessel information can be added to orders and order.
- Orders that have been updated after transferring/assigning will now display a warning icon ⚠️.
- Seeing less driver icons in Explore view? That is because the driver only show up to date driver information, anything older will be removed. See here for more information.
- Identify the status of a driver based on the colour of the icon on the map view and the ability to automatically hide driver icons in case of an unknown status.
- Added the ability to retrieve the cancelation/report reasons from the audit log for individual orders.
- You now have the ability to add legs, in front, in between (split) or after existing legs. See here for more information.
Driver App 🚚
- The driver no longer needs to indicate they want to add an image in cases where that is mandatory, instead they will be present the option straightaway, saving another tap.