Release Notes July 2021

Lots of Improvements!

We made a lot of improvements, some of the highlights below:


  • You can now cancel reported tasks
  • We have made it easier to manually adjust plans in Timeline
  • There are now notifications for your downstream partner when you automatically transfer.
  • We improved the branding page with: clear labels, preview changes before saving, and we inform you when the banner image is too big or too small
  • We provided clear instructions on the password requirements when you create a new password. 

We also fixed the following:

  • When you searched for an address, the text did not clear after closing the pop-up, we resolved this now
  • We accidentally showed the cancel button for already cancelled items, that’s been fixed
  • The UI issue on the order page is now resolved. The text is now properly fitted into the boxes.

  • We improved the error message which appears when you try to accept an order that was previously accepted or try to decline an order that is already declined and/or cancelled

  • We ensured that you cannot accidentally remove yourself from the slug.

  • The external ID is now available when you add a vehicle

  • The service time set-up is now improved, we made it a lot easier to understand which fields are required fields to set up a service time.


  • When the driver changes the quantity of the items on the pick-up, the number of items on the drop-off will automatically adjust
  • The mobile app is now available in Khmer