Partner Driver Location

Enabling the location of a carrier driver can provide you with the ability to view their current location.

As the delivery allocator, you can view deliveries through carriers to track their driver's location through Yojee's Explore view. This feature provides you with real-time visibility into the status of customer deliveries, allowing you to proactively address any issues or delays that may arise. 

Carrier drivers are identifiable in the Explore View map by the purple diamond driver icon .

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 1.46.27 PM

To manage the carrier driver location status:

Navigate to the 'Partners' icon in the left-hand navigation menu.

From here, your partners, and relationship (Partner Type) will be listed.

Partner Type - Upstream, Bidirectional

A carrier can only choose to allow the sharing of their drivers with their upstream partners. Under 'Share Driver Location' you will have the ability to select:

Status Description

Share Location + Name

Driver location and Driver Name is shared with all upstream partners. The location shared if a driver has an active order (not completed or cancelled), from your slug, assigned to them.

Share Location

Driver location is shared with all upstream partners. The location shared if a driver has an active order (not completed or cancelled), from your slug, assigned to them.


Do Not Share

Driver location will not be shared with the upstream partner

Partner Type - Downstream

As an upstream partner, you will have the ability to view the share status of your carrier.

Status Description
No, not sharing Carrier 'Share Driver Location' option Toggle Off.
Carrier has chosen not to share the driver's location.
Yes, sharing

Carrier 'Share Driver Location' option Toggle On.
Delivery will be visible while active and assigned to a carrier driver

New Partner Invitations

Partners, upon receiving the invitation to become a delivery partner, have the option to opt in to this feature.

On the 'Create An Account' page, there is an option to 'Share driver location with partners' and 'Include driver name when sharing location' before accepting terms and conditions and creating the account.

For more information on signing up partners, see Downstream Partner Sign Up (Invite Only).