Customise the consignment note to display the information important to you and your customers.
The consignment note serves as a crucial document that defines the terms of the carriage contract while detailing the contents of the order. Additionally, it functions as a receipt or Proof of Delivery, confirming the transfer of goods from the shipper to the recipient.
Customising the consignment note within the Yojee platform is a straightforward process.
For more information on using the Consignment note as a POD see Proof of Delivery Document Customisation.
Consignment (connote) Template
- Navigate to Manage (Select Manage in the top right Profile menu)
- Select Documentation > Connote Template

Connote Configuration
The connote offers several configurable elements, including a standardised header, customisable fields, and optional sections to suit your specific needs.
The Header section displays essential company details such as the company logo, address, phone number, and a live tracking QR code.
Organisational Units - The header address can change depending on the Organisational Unit the order belongs to. Check [Organisational unit] Correspondence Address to enable this.
For more information on Organisational Units see here.
You can also customise the template by adding or removing external order fields using the checkboxes provided next to each field.
Note, the Logo can be updated by navigating to Manage > Account > Branding and changing the 'Print Logo'.
You have the flexibility to rearrange and customise sections to showcase the specific information you want to share.
Adding or Removing Sections
To include additional sections in your connote, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the option to Add Section. From there, choose the specific sections you want to add, and then click on the Add button to include them in your connote template.
To delete a section that has been added, simply click on the Remove this section button located in the top right of each section.
Please note that the sections titled "First Pick Up and Last Drop Off Information" and "Package Information Table" are required and cannot be removed.
Arranging Sections
To rearrange sections, simply click on the 6 blue dots located at the top right of each section you wish to move, and drag it to the desired position.
Editing the "First Pick Up And Last Drop Off Information" Section
You can personalise the Packing Information Table on the connote to show relevant details and IDs specific to your operations. Just click on the column header, and a list of available headings will be displayed for selection.
Some custom field names can be edited via the Custom Labels if required, however they will change across the platform.
Sender / Pick Up / Drop Off / Sections
The data will be taken from the Booking Form of that Order.
Ensure Task notes is enabled if you require the driver task notes to be visible.
Charge information, Signature and T&C Sections
These sections are optional. The dispatcher can add in or remove from the template as desired.
Note - You can automatically populate the recipient Name, Date/Time and Signature from the POD once the order has been fulfilled. Simply ensure the "Add after completion" option is checked:
Viewing the Connote
Accessing the connote is available by viewing the Documents tab on an order.
Or you can download in bulk from the Transport Orders page.