Creating Consignment Notes

Consignment Notes are automatically generated after each order is created using a configurable template in Manage.

Consignment (connote) Template

Navigate to Manage > Documentation > Connote Template

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Connote Configuration

In the connote template, there will be several sections:


Choose to upload your company logo if it differs from the label and/or POD. Otherwise if none are selected the default will come from the settings in Content Management

Company Name

This will be the name from the Company Settings in Manage

Company Phone

This are not mandatory and can be configured here, if blank, no value will be displayed

Company Address

This are not mandatory and can be configured here, if blank, no value will be displayed

QR Code

On the right will display a QR code which can be scanned to land to the live tracking page of that order.

Sender / Pick Up / Drop Off / Package Information Sections 

These sections ☝️ mandatory and cannot be removed. The data will be taken from the Booking Form of that Order. You can however re-arrange the section into the desired position on the template as shown.

Charge information, Signature and T&C Sections

These sections ☝️ are optional. The dispatcher can add in or remove from the template as desired.

Preview Connote

Scroll to the end of the page to see the option to preview your connote template


Viewing the Connote

Accessing the connote is available by viewing the Documents tab on an order. 

Or you can download in bulk from the Orders screen.